Kierstyn’s Corner

Your arch enemy in a bottle

The good news is that Nervitalize Advanced Nerve Relief Support packs all those nutrients into one place. And taking it consistently over time will give you significant benefits.

On by Megha Sharma 0 comments

This 28-year-old Reporter Beat Cancer

Hey there -  Are you familiar with this story?  The man you're seeing in this picture is Michael Perchick. And he's a reporter for ABC news. Back in January 2020, he was diagnosed with cancer.  And four months later…  He became cancer-free!  Of course, he went through some treatments and went through therapy religiously. And maybe it helped that he was diagnosed...

On by Megha Sharma 0 comments

Takédo is 80 and still bouncing

Hi again - Here's an intriguing story from one of my trips to Japan. It's about a woman named Takédo. She's a little over 80 but her agility fascinates me. She's as spry as a squirrel! Every morning, she'd spring past my window in her workout clothes with the demeanor and carriage of a younger adult in her 30s. This made me...

On by Megha Sharma 0 comments

Start this atomic habit

You’ve probably heard of James Clear, author of the New York Times bestseller “Atomic Habits". A while back, I stumbled upon his Twitter account. And one particular tweet of his caught my eye. He tweeted: "Someone else living a good life does not prevent you from living a good life. There are many ways to win and plenty of space" I agree...

On by Megha Sharma 0 comments

Introduce These to Your Diet NOW

Hi there - Let me tell you the story of Jess and how she overcame neuropathy. You see, Jess was the youngest child, so she got a lot of pampering. Anything she wanted was almost always delivered at the snap of a finger. In particular, she had her way when it comes to food Chocolates… Hamburgers… Pizzas... Jess had it all. And...

On by Megha Sharma 0 comments

Fight Nerve Pain like Pedro

Good Morning – Today, we’ll be talking about Pedro. Pedro is 47 and he lives in Florida. He grew up being active and involved in sports. Surprisingly, he never gave eating healthy much thought… Until he found himself gaining weight several years after college. Even worse, he was later diagnosed with diabetic neuropathy. And in October 2007, Pedro hit a turning point…...

On by Megha Sharma 0 comments

A Tale of Two Women

Hello today, On a beautiful afternoon twenty-five years ago, two young women graduated from the same college. These two young women were very much alike. Both had better than average grades… Both had leadership qualities… Both were filled with ambitious dreams of the future. And recently, these two women returned to their college for their class reunion. They were still alike in...

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